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Business Overview

Well, so what if we're a little lazy with the language. If it looks like a word we know-that's the word we say. If we don't know the word we make up one. Send us your words and phrases, and we'll list the best ones here. Send it to

Brands We Carry

Send us your uniqe ways of saying things, your unique ways of hearing and seeing things and your uniqe ways of helping other people, and through this site we will offer a forum for knowledge and ideas, and try to keep our minds and yours more open and a little happier. Send your words and phrases to us at so we can post them and include your name if you want it listed, and don't be surprised if you start a whole different trend of thought.

Products and Services

People who are thought to be a little slower than others are often people who's minds work quickly, and who can't take the time to make their verbal ability catch up with their minds. They will often shorten a word or say it the quickest way they can. Thus we get alunimum, liloleum and other "forced words." Well, as much as we can, it is time to enjoy the differences in people and the differences in ideas as well.

Additional Information

Since the psychic, Sean Harribance, was able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, then no medical testing can be proven accurate, and maybe all scientific tests can be influenced by our minds.


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